HELP not hurt:
We believe in empowering people to be the solution to their own problems.
Why? We are all image-bearers of God (Gen. 1:26-31). God brought us into being, blessed us, called us to meaningful work, then empowered us with the full capacity to support self and family by the fruit of our work. Therefore, each person has the ability to fulfill his or her calling to glorify God through his or her work and life. This is what it means to bear God’s image, because every person has dignity, worth and capacity for good.
Understanding “why” I help is just as important as “who” I help.
Treating people as the responsible stewards God created them to be.
Bringing “relationships” to chronic problems and “relief” to crisis problems (Triage!).
Starting with what is RIGHT (asset-based solutions) instead of what is WRONG (need-based solutions).